
User Directory Overview

The user directory in Citra can be accessed through the “Open Citra Folder” option within the application. Depending on the operating system, the directory path varies: Within the user directory, you will find several subdirectories, including config, nand, and sdmc. Each serves a distinct purpose. Diagram of Citra’s User Directory “User directory”├── config├── nand│ ├──…

Citra’s Transparency and Telemetry Framework

As an open-source project, Citra’s development process is visible to all and open for contributions. However, the majority of progress relies on a small group of developers. One of their significant challenges has been the scattered nature of issue reports, which are often posted across platforms like Discord, Reddit, forums, IRC, and others, making it…

Citra Texture Dumping and Custom Textures Guide

Citra offers the ability to extract in-game textures and apply custom texture packs. Extracted textures are saved as .png files, while custom texture packs can include files in .png, .dds, or .ktx formats. Supported compression techniques include BCn and various ASTC block styles. How to Extract Textures How to Apply Custom Textures Texture Dumping Details…

Citra Modding Framework

Citra’s robust modding framework supports various patch formats, offering flexibility and ease of distribution. Here’s a breakdown of its features and structure. Directory Structure Each game has a dedicated Mods directory. To access it: Example Directory Layout: load/mods/<Title ID>├── exefs├── romfs├── romfs_ext└── exheader.bin Note: Mods may include any combination of these files. ExeFS: Modifying Game…

Citra Multiplayer

Citra’s multiplayer feature offers a significant enhancement by enabling local wireless multiplayer emulation over the Internet. Unlike the physical limitations of a real 3DS, where connectivity depends on proximity, Citra Emulator uses a robust server/client infrastructure to transmit wireless communication online. How It Works Instead of traditional single-console netplay seen in other emulators, Citra’s approach…